Since 2016, Daniel Roesner plays “Alarm for Cobra 11” Semir Gerkhan’s partner Paul Renner.
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Since 2016, Daniel Roesner plays “Alarm for Cobra 11” Semir Gerkhan’s partner Paul Renner. But now it’s clear: Daniel Roesner is leaving the series. However, he has considered the decision in a plentiful and good way. The step has not come easily to him. Until the end of the year, Daniel Roesner and Erdogan Atalay can still be seen at “Alarm for Cobra 11”. What exactly his reasons for saying are, he explains HERE.
Semir (Erdogan Atalay) and Paul (Daniel Roesner) have been chasing criminals together for four years. Now, Renner says "goodbye" as Detective Chief Inspector in "Cobra 11".