The new season, which will begin on September 12 at 20:15 on RTL, brings with it many changes. In March it was announced that Paul Renner (Daniel Roesner) will leave the series after four years. For him, this is the last season he’s going to play. The other members of the team, including his colleague Semir Gerkhan (Erdogan Atalay), the chief Kim Krüger (Katja Woywood) and the secretary Susanne König (Daniela Wutte), face some challenges and serious decisions in the ten new episodes. Semir meets a man of his past, Paul has to deal with his father and faces a serious accusation. And most of all, the stormy season finale will completely change the highway police of its kind, according to the producers.
Source: teleschau – der mediendienst GmbH